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It lives in our nightmares. On this special holiday episode, Blake and Iltifat share the pearls and pitfalls of aortic dissection presentation, diagnosis, and management. You won’t want to miss this high yield year’s end conclusion.
iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/em-board-bombs/id1410854326?mt=2
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/blake-briggs-151500850/156-aortic-dissection-on-a-tear
Cite this podcast as: Briggs, Blake; Husain, Iltifat. Episode 156. Aortic Dissection: on a tear. December 19th, 2022. https://www.emboardbombs.com/podcasts/156-aortic-dissection-on-a-tear. Accessed [date]