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Iltifat Husain and Blake Briggs team up in the wilderness to deliver content on anticholinergic poisoning LIVE from Linville Gorge, a National Forest wilderness area in North Carolina. Name a single EM podcast that records LIVE from a campfire. Go ahead, we’re waiting…
iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/em-board-bombs/id1410854326?mt=2
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/blake-briggs-151500850/144-anticholinergic-poisoning-live-from-the-wilderness
Cite this podcast as: Briggs, B, Husain, I. Episode 144 Anticholinergic poisoning: LIVE from the wilderness. https://www.emboardbombs.com/podcasts/144-anticholinergic-poisoning-live-from-the-wilderness. July 5, 2022. Accessed [date]