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2 episodes in ONE WEEK! You’d think its a gift… until you listen to this one. You thought the last episode was bad? Anal pruritus, tape test, and ACEP22. Someone has to cover this stuff, I guess its going to be us. #bluecollarpodcast.
iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/em-board-bombs/id1410854326?mt=2
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/blake-briggs-151500850/149-bonus-at-acep22-more
Cite this podcast as: Briggs, Blake; Husain, Iltifat; Wosiski-Kuhn, Marlena. Episode 149: BONUS at ACEP22! More pinworms…more nightmares. https://www.emboardbombs.com/podcasts/149-bonus-at-acep22-more-pinwormsmore-nightmares October 7th, 2022. Accessed [date]